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Data Collection Outsourcing in Ukraine During the War

Data harvesting services in Ukraine during war

Nannostomus is a data collection company rooted in Ukraine. We’re a diverse and dynamic team of 15, embracing a fully remote, distributed work model. We brought together people from Sumy, Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Lviv, and some smaller towns.

It’s been nearly two years since the war with russia began. Like many businesses, we’ve adapted to new reality with agility and determination. In this article, we will dive into the Ukrainian outsourcing landscape. We’ll also share our story of adjustment and continuous delivery of top-notch data harvesting services to our clients.

The situation in the Ukrainian outsourcing market (by the end of 2023)

Recent research by the Lviv IT Cluster, with support from the USAID “Competitive Economy of Ukraine” Program and in cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, sheds light on the current state of the Ukrainian outsourcing market.

The technology sector continues to be a cornerstone of Ukraine’s economy. In 2023, information technology services accounted for 41.5% of the country’s total export volume. This figure, though slightly lower than last year’s 45.5%, still represents the largest share among exported services. Moreover, the tech industry’s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) stands at 4.9%.

The spirit of expansion is real among Ukrainian technology companies. A significant 36% plan to open new offices in 2024. Of these, 28% are eyeing international locations.

The size of the IT outsourcing market in Ukraine

Leading tech foreign companies are here

Plenty of high-tech companies opened their research and development offices in Ukraine before the war. Many of them remain active these days.

For example, here’s Oracle’s response to the unlawful attack on Ukraine: “Oracle’s operations in Ukraine remain active, and we are doing everything we can to ensure the safety of our employees and their families and to support our Ukrainian customers and partners.”

While Nvidia closed its office in russia, the one in Ukraine still operates. Lyft, BigCommerce, TemplateMonster, and others also joined those organizations that didn’t close their offices in Ukraine. And what’s more—they’re now hiring new talent to join their teams.

Talent market

Over the past year, Ukraine’s tech specialist population has grown by 6%. It now totals 307,600 individuals. Data scientists constitute 2.9% of these professionals. Of these, a significant majority, 242,000, continue to live and work within Ukraine. Meanwhile, the number of Ukrainian experts working abroad has risen by 20% and reached 65,000.

Even amidst warfare, all regions, including those most affected by the conflict, have seen an increase in registered IT professionals. Geographically, Kyiv and the surrounding region are home to the largest IT community. It makes up 30% of the total. Following closely are the Kharkiv region (13%) and Lviv (11%).

The employment landscape, however, has seen shifts, according to DOU, the largest IT community in Ukraine. In the past 12 months, 25% of IT professionals have either been let go or had contracts not renewed. In total, 47% of IT professionals have transitioned from their jobs or projects over the year. But those who had to change their career didn’t feel the lack of offers—nearly 40% of them found a new job within a month. 71% of specialists got a significant salary raise within that career shift.

That’s because Ukrainian tech professionals are highly qualified. Nearly 43% boast over six years of experience in the tech industry, with about 8% having 15 years under their belt. Furthermore, an impressive 59.8% of these professionals have a technical specialization.

Tech talent pool on Ukrainian outsourcing market

The balance between quality and cost

This year, the median monthly salary for IT specialists in Ukraine rose to $2,630. This figure stands in stark contrast to the average monthly salary in Ukraine, which is approximately $500.

In data collection and analysis fields, salaries have seen varied trends. Data engineers have seen a significant salary increase. With the average now at $3,650, it’s up by $850 over six months. In contrast, salaries for roles like Data Analysts have slightly decreased, now at $1,500 (down $100). So you can compare, the monthly salary of IT professionals in Poland is $5,000.

Average salaries of tech specialists in Ukraine

Growing tech industry

The Ministry of Digital Transformation is on a mission to position Ukraine as a digital leader worldwide. That’s why digitalization has been a priority in Ukraine during the last few years, even amidst the war.

We have Diia—a mobile app that provides access to 14 different document types (ID, driving license, etc.) and more than 70 government services. So, Ukraine is the first country with a universally accepted digital ID and one of the first in Europe to launch digital driving licenses.

Two weeks before the war, Ukraine launched Diia.City, a unique ecosystem to stimulate IT business growth. It offers one of the best tax systems in Europe, flexible specialist collaboration forms, common legal tools for venture capital, and tax incentives for investments.

In such a thriving environment, remarkable startups emerged in Ukraine across different industries: AR/VR, aerospace, EdTech, AI, energy and ecology, healthcare, marketing, retail, and Web3.

  • Metatable.ai—AI-powered platform for software developers.
  • Kolossal—an OSINT data storage and analysis platform, supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine with their Deepstatemap interactive battle map.
  • S.Lab—innovators in eco-friendly packaging and furniture made from mushrooms and hemp.
  • Numo—a mobile app that helps adults with ADHD enhance productivity and mood.
  • Jetbeep—fully autonomous parcel lockers for postal and logistics companies.
  • Himera—a compact tactical communication system for defense forces.

Why outsource data collection services from Nannostomus

We’re fully equipped to get the job done

Since our company operates remotely, we took a series of measures to mitigate risks and maintain seamless operations:

  • Facilitated relocation of our employees to safer areas.
  • Geared up for essential equipment (power banks and power stations) during the blackouts.
  • Rented coworking spaces with generators and Starlink internet.

How Nannostomus team worked during power outages

“After a few days of invasion, 95% of our employees got back to work. I was impressed by their commitment. Our people are superheroes. And why shouldn’t I think so? They proceeded with their projects right from the bomb shelters and underground. They arranged workplaces in the corridors of their apartments during alerts. To get their job done. During the massive blackouts, our team had everything they needed to stay at the peak of their productivity. Some were abroad. Some opted for alternative sources of power and the internet. And some rented coworking spaces.” says Taras Sitailo, Nannostomus co-founder.

What Nannostomus employees say

Strong business continuity provisioning

“Maintaining uninterrupted service is our priority,” I remember saying this to Taras when the first electricity outage occurred. We were determined to make sure our clients keep getting their data on time," shares Elina Sitailo, Nannostomus co-founder.

So, here’s how we arranged the workflow within one of our projects. That’s one of our first projects—we’ve been collecting data about offenders in the USA for more than 10 years. At that point, our team included a project manager for daily meetings with the client’s team, and three skilled developers to maintain scripts, test loaded data, and handle other technicalities.

  • Our co-founders, Elina and Taras, moved to a safer location from the front line. They equipped themselves with a generator and Starlink to stay connected. They also facilitated relocation for other team members.
  • Elina, who is also the project manager, adjusted workloads for team members in emergency scenarios. All to ensure project milestones were met without compromise.
  • Our developers were strategically positioned to provide robust support. They were either abroad or in cities less affected by blackouts. That allowed them to step in during critical phases, particularly for tight deadlines.
  • Meanwhile, other team members, though impacted by local power disruptions, remained fully operational thanks to alternative power sources.

As a result, all parsers and data loading modules were working seamlessly. Our client was receiving data on time and within the agreed timeframe.

Innovative technology that delivers value at minimal cost

At Nannostomus, we combine proven ready-made data collection techniques with our proprietary technology to reach operational efficiency and quality service delivery.

All our services, be it data harvesting or managed team assembly rely on our Nannostomus engine. It mimics human behavior, so overcomes website protection measures of all complexity levels:

  • Runs on AWS—so it’s reliable and scalable.
  • Has a microservice architecture for uninterrupted data harvesting.
  • Gives different IP addresses to all your virtual machines without the need to maintain a huge base of proxy servers.
  • Enables simultaneous processing for smart resource management.

We’ve honed the process and developed a cost-effective solution that allows you to collect data from the web for only $50* per week.

*Amazon fee, code development and maintenance fee not included.

How do Nannostomus employees work in wartime?

Nannostomus has found its new normal. As our team continues to work remotely, we have largely settled into a sense of security and stability.

Recent internal feedback highlights this sentiment. In a survey asking, “Do you feel safe now?”, the responses were telling: The survey about whether Nannostomus employees feel safe

When it comes to what we call the ‘war-life’ balance, we’ve adapted to the changing dynamics. This reality has led us to discover new ways to juggle work responsibilities, volunteering efforts, and family care. A sense of humor and an optimistic outlook is what keeps our spirits high.

For instance, Iryna Oliinyk, one of our dedicated team members, shares an anecdote: “I bought a special flashlight for books as I was gearing up for the expected power outages this winter. I had just stocked up on programming books. We often joke at Nannostomus, ‘What were we thinking, buying so many books for the new blackout?’”

But beyond humor, there’s a deeper lesson we’ve embraced: always be prepared. Our two-fold priority remains clear: 1) ensuring the safety and well-being of our team, and 2) guaranteeing that we can continue compensating our team for their excellent work. To this end, we’ve fortified our capabilities to provide uninterrupted, high-quality data collection services under any circumstances.

Furthermore, our commitment extends beyond our professional duties. Many Nannostomus team members actively volunteer from the very first days of the war, even being under occupation. We support both the Armed Forces of Ukraine and civilians. Through these efforts, we strive to contribute meaningfully to our community and inch closer to victory. Here’s what we already did and keep on doing:

  • Buying medicines, baby formulas, and hygiene products while being under occupation (these goods were out of stock in local stores).
  • Renovation of a non-working operational unit.
  • Providing local territorial defense with warm clothes.
  • Supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine with needed stuff (vehicles, laptops, tablets, radio communication units, etc.).
  • Donating to local volunteers and fonds (DOU, Zolkin, Kolo.ua, Come Back Alive, etc.).

Employee stories


Ukrainian businesses are navigating through challenging times. Yet, what shines through is a collective spirit of determination and unity. At Nannostomus, like many other Ukrainian companies, we are bonded by love for our homeland, a relentless desire to progress, and an aspiration to live in a peaceful, thriving country.

As we stand on the side of justice and human values, we are confident that a brighter future awaits. A future where Ukrainian businesses like Nannostomus thrive and contribute to the global economy and technological advancement.

Table of сontents:

The situation in the Ukrainian outsourcing market (by the end of 2023)

Leading tech foreign companies are here

Talent market

The balance between quality and cost

Growing tech industry

Why outsource data collection services from Nannostomus

We're fully equipped to get the job done

What Nannostomus employees say

Strong business continuity provisioning

Innovative technology that delivers value at minimal cost

How do Nannostomus employees work in wartime?

Employee stories


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