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How Employers and HR Use National Registry for Sexual Offenders

Sex offenders registry for HR

You’ve got a candidate who seems perfect for the job. Great resume, excellent interview… But then you find their profile in the federal sex offender search. It’s a tough spot, right?

Many researchers have admitted that a job can significantly reduce the chances of re-offending. That is why full-time employment is frequently included in most community supervision programs.

But here’s the catch. A survey across five major US cities showed that two-thirds of employers would think twice before hiring people with a sexual background. And it’s not only because of safety concerns. For example, some perpetrators have restrictions (limited internet use or no contact with minors). Others have been in prison for too long and have lost their work skills.

So, if you would like to understand who you’re bringing into your team and the potential risks involved, you should integrate sex offender checks into your hiring process. In this article, we’ll dwell on the use of the comprehensive sex offender dataset compiled by Nannostomus.

The importance of sexual background check

There was a study on the public perception of whom to hire depending on their sex offense background. Participants were to decide and explain their choice of candidate for the position of petrol station sales assistant with night shifts considering that some had:

  1. No criminal conviction
  2. Rape
  3. Sexual activity with a child
  4. Possession of indecent photographs of children

It was revealed that it was harder to find jobs for sexual offenders with a prior sexual offense. These individuals were considered less trustworthy, valuable, and suitable for the role. Those perpetrators who had contact with the victims (rape and sexual activity with a child) got higher rejections than those with possessing pornographic photos of kids. Here’s the graph: Application sex offender statistics

Participants had a range of concerns regarding giving employment for sex offenders. Most respondents wanted to get more information about the nature of the crime before reaching the final decision.

Thus, running the check for sexual predators can give you a lot of insights.

  • Whether the sex crime will interfere with work. For instance, a job involving interaction with children would be a clear mismatch for someone convicted of child molestation. However, hiring a sex offender with the same crime history for packing orders in a warehouse, might not pose the same concerns.
  • Deciding on whether to give them a chance. Many perpetrators have families to take care of. And, of course, past convictions shouldn’t necessarily determine the person’s future. So, you can look at the national offenders database to check whether they have fulfilled their parole conditions and have references from their officers to get to know whether the lessons have been learned and are ready to reenter society.
  • Assessing the risks. One of the benefits of sex offender registries is that some of them include risk levels (where 1 is a low risk of repeat offense and 3 means that there is a high risk to public safety). Besides, you can also learn about the nature of the crime. For example, if he was 19 and she was 17, and everyone was ok with their relationships, that makes a big difference. Conversely, a history of assault in the workplace signals a high risk of re-offending.
  • Time out of the labor market. How long did the candidate spend in prison? You may learn this in the national sex offender registry check. There is a study that has proved that as the incarceration time increases, the likelihood of participating in the legal economy afterward decreases. That’s because during their imprisonment, many individuals lose their work skills, are unable to get work experience, can’t keep up with new approaches and technologies, and experience severe interpersonal connections and social contacts.
  • Check whether restrictions interfere with duties. When it comes to employment sex offenders, you can figure out whether special conditions are attached to the candidate’s supervision. For instance, if they are prohibited from using computers and the internet, contact with minors, etc.

Consequences of inadequate sex offender background checks: prominent cases

Improper national sexual offender registry checks can affect not just the people directly involved but entire organizations and communities too. Over the years, we’ve all seen a fair share of high-profile cases that demonstrated just how crucial it is to nail those background checks. Let’s dive into five big stories that received significant media attention.

Penn State University scandal

Jerry Sandusky, a former assistant football coach at Penn State University, was convicted in 2012 of sexually abusing young boys over 15 years. He was convicted on 45 counts of child sexual abuse and sentenced to a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 60 years in prison. Additionally, three Penn State officials (school president, vice president, and athletic director) were charged with perjury, obstruction of justice, and failure to report suspected child abuse. All three were sentenced to jail terms, fines, and probation for the misdemeanors.

The financial losses were severe:

  • Penn State reported that the school had spent $3.2 million on investigations, public relations, and legal advice in response to the scandal through the middle of February 2012.
  • The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) imposed sanctions on the Penn State football program: a $60 million fine, a four-year postseason ban, scholarship reductions, and a vacation of all victories from 1998 to 2011. These sanctions were considered to be among the most severe ever imposed on an NCAA member school.
  • The Big Ten Conference subsequently imposed an additional $13 million fine.
  • Penn State agreed to pay over $109 million to settle claims from at least 35 victims of Jerry Sandusky.
  • In the immediate aftermath of the scandal, Penn State saw a decline in donations, which impacted its fundraising campaigns.

There was a reputational damage, too. The university’s handling of the Sandusky allegations damaged public trust in Penn State. The perceived failure of senior officials to act on information about Sandusky’s abuse led to widespread criticism and undermined confidence in the institution’s leadership and governance.

Uber sexual assault cases

According to the Lawsuit Information Center, ride-sharing giant Uber faced numerous lawsuits and public outcry over sexual assaults committed by drivers. The lawsuits accuse Uber of failing to perform background check sex offender. As a result, individuals with histories of sexual offenses became drivers. As of March 2024, there is an Uber new class action lawsuit that has over 200 plaintiffs. Though, it’s expected to grow to thousands. These incidents often have a similar pattern. A driver gets a vulnerable passenger, takes them to a secluded area, and sexually assaults them in the car.

According to Uber, the company receives from 3,000 to 7,000 reports of sexual assault each year. Many of them include non-consensual sexual touching. Though, a smaller percentage involve more severe allegations (forcible rape).

Kenmore Law Group estimates that the average case value for one Uber sexual assault case can range from $27 thousand to $54 million.

DeKalb County School teacher got the job despite Florida court history

Horace Morris was ordered five years probation and the surrender of his teaching certificate in August 2008. While he was a teacher of social science at the Jet Mann Opportunity Center School, he forced a 13-year-old girl to give him oral sex.

However, despite being banned for life from teaching, Morris somehow got a job at DeKalb County School District in Georgia.

Georgia and Florida are part of the NASDTEC Clearinghouse, a shared database that tracks the certification and disciplinary records of educators. Despite Florida documenting Morris’ prohibition, Georgia’s agency responsible for teacher certification overlooked it. Kelly Henson, the executive secretary of the Georgia Professional Standards Commission, attributed the oversight to an outdated and complex computer system.

Students revealed Morris’ past as they found numerous news articles about their new teacher on Google.

The faulty system lets felons be caregivers in Florida

Back in 2009, it was revealed that 8,700 people with criminal records were caregivers in Florida. Those were murderers, registered sex offenders, and people with histories of harming children.

And the reason was the following. It took months for the sex offenders background check results to come. So, people were allowed to work at daycare centers, assisted living facilities, and group homes before their screening was complete. So, it’s no wonder that there were cases when pedophiles worked in child care.

Surprisingly, even when the sex offense history was discovered, people could still work with little more than a promise not to break the law again.

We could only guess how erosive the disclosure of these numerous cases and the lack of sex offender employment restrictions have been to the companies’ reputation.

Understanding Nannostomus sex offender database

In light of the cases we’ve discussed, one thing becomes glaringly obvious: many of these incidents could have been prevented with more efficient and accurate in-house sex offenders employment checks. By this, we mean the ability to screen the candidate quickly and rely on the most accurate, comprehensive data available.

At Nannostomus, we’ve dedicated ourselves to compiling an extensive dataset that spans all US states and territories. Let’s take a closer look at what’s inside.

What is the Nannostomus sex offender database?

We’ve been collecting sex offender data for more than 13 years. So, we meticulously compiled a file with a collection of data on individuals convicted of sex crimes across all US states and territories. Developed with precision and care, our database is tailored to meet the needs of employers, community managers, and safety officers who prioritize the security and well-being of their spaces.

As of March 2024, there are 645,148 individuals in our database. Nannostomus nationwide sex offenders registry has a wide array of data points to ensure you have a full picture of each offender and their crime. To get a better idea of what’s inside, we invite you to download free sex offender data samples. Check sex offender data in Nannostomus database

💡 Important!
Sex offender registries across the United States do not adhere to a unified format in terms of data presentation. This means the comprehensiveness of information can vary significantly from one state to another.
By consolidating and standardizing information from diverse state registries, we ensure you have access to the most detailed and useful data possible.

Nannostomus search national sex offender registry provides maximum utility and flexibility. Let’s explore its core features.

  • Customization. Whether your focus is on a single state, a handful of them, or you require a nationwide overview, we will adjust the dataset to match your exact needs.
  • Seamless integration. We offer our data in various formats. CSV, JSON, TXT, XLSX, you name it. Thus, integrating our data into your existing systems is a smooth and hassle-free process, regardless of the technology stack you’re using. Whether you’re feeding data into sophisticated analytics software or a simple spreadsheet, we’ve got you covered.
  • Monthly data updates. Offender information, addresses, and legal statuses can change. To ensure you’re working with the most accurate and up-to-date information, we provide monthly updates to our database.
  • Ready for immediate use. Our data is meticulously cleaned, formatted, and structured for immediate use upon integration into your systems. This means you can act quickly, without the need for extensive data processing or cleanup on your end.

How to find out if someone is a registered sex offender using Nannostomus dataset

To ensure workplace safety and compliance, you’ve got to incorporate sex offender checks into your hiring process. But how to check if someone is a sex offender? The Nannostomus dataset offers a comprehensive tool for this purpose. Here’s how you can seamlessly integrate our sex offender database checks into your hiring routine.

1. Ensure a consistent screening policy

This is the foundation of integrating nationwide sex offender database checks into your hiring process. First, because this way you protect your organization and its members. Second, you ensure fairness and transparency for all job applicants.

  • Clearly outline which types of background checks your company will conduct: criminal history, sex offender registry checks, and any other relevant screenings. Specify how these checks relate to the responsibilities of the job roles you’re hiring for.
  • Apply your background check policy uniformly. Ensure all candidates for similar positions are subjected to the same level of scrutiny to ensure a fair hiring process.
  • Familiarize yourself with and adhere to all relevant laws affecting background checks. For example, the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which governs how background checks must be conducted and how information can be used. Look at any state and local laws that may impose additional requirements or restrictions.
  • From the outset, be transparent with applicants about your sex offender registry check policy. Clearly state that sex offender registry searches are a part of the hiring process for certain positions.
  • Establish criteria for how you’ll evaluate findings from the background checks. For instance, what will you do if someone’s sexual offender status is confirmed? Also, think about the nature and gravity of the offense, the time that has passed since the offense, rehabilitation efforts, and the relevance of the offense to the job role.

2. Use Nannostomus nationwide sexual offenders dataset at early stages

The optimal point to integrate the Nannostomus dataset is after the initial screening of applicants. Once you’ve identified candidates who meet the basic qualifications for the position, you can then proceed with the sex offender registry search. This way, you’ll ensure resources are focused on serious candidates.

To automate the screening process, integrate the Nannostomus dataset directly into your ATS or HR software.

  • The Nannostomus dataset is available in various formats (CSV, JSON, and more). So, it’s compatible with any system. Determine which format aligns best with your existing HR software or applicant tracking system (ATS) to ensure a smooth integration process.
  • Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to customize the dataset. For instance, if you’re only hiring in certain states, you might not need the entire national database. Nannostomus allows for this level of customization, ensuring you only work with data relevant to your needs.
  • Ensure your HR team is well-versed in using the Nannostomus dataset and understands the integration points within your hiring process. Training should cover how to access the dataset, interpret the results, and take appropriate action based on the findings.
  • Given the sensitive nature of the information contained in the Nannostomus dataset, ensure your systems are secure and that data privacy is maintained at all times. Securely store search results and comply with data protection regulations.

3. Document the process

Maintain detailed records of all background checks. Make sure to include the date of the search, the name of the person conducting the search, the specific information you were checking for, and the results of the search.

Also, store consent forms. These forms are vital, as they prove that you obtained permission from the candidate before conducting the background check.

When a background check influences hiring decisions, document the logic standing behind it. This documentation should detail how the information from the background check was relevant to the job in question and include any risk assessments or considerations that influenced your decision.

4. Continuous monitoring post-hire

To maintain a safe environment, your company should also consider monitoring offender search nationwide. Especially, keep an eye on those sensitive positions.

For example, you run a healthcare facility. There is John, a well-respected technician who has been with you for over five years. John has never given the management any reason to question his integrity or professionalism. Like all employees, John underwent a thorough background check at the time of his hiring, which revealed no issues. During one of those continuous monitoring checks, your HR revealed that John had been recently charged with a serious sex offense that raised significant concerns about his suitability to work in a healthcare environment.

Because Nannostomus refreshes its dataset every month, you’ll always get access to the freshest data to ensure comprehensive national sex offender registry verification.


Integrating national sex offender registry history checks into your candidate screening process is the foundation of building a team you can trust and rely on.

If you’ve been looking for a comprehensive, customizable sex offender dataset that is regularly updated, Nannostomus is your choice to go. Contact us today, and let’s see how we can help you screen candidates for sex offender history.

Table of сontents:

The importance of sexual background check

Consequences of inadequate sex offender background checks: prominent cases

Penn State University scandal

Uber sexual assault cases

DeKalb County School teacher got the job despite Florida court history

The faulty system lets felons be caregivers in Florida

Understanding Nannostomus sex offender database

What is the Nannostomus sex offender database?

Feature of Nannostomus national sex offender registry search

How to find out if someone is a registered sex offender using Nannostomus dataset

1. Ensure a consistent screening policy

2. Use Nannostomus nationwide sexual offenders dataset at early stages

3. Document the process

4. Continuous monitoring post-hire


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