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Exploring Twitter Data Scraping: Key Considerations and Challenges

Screenshot from Twitter saying Twitter is what's happening now

Twitter is brimming with thoughts, trends, and tidbits from around the globe. Hence, each tweet, hashtag, or comment represents a potential data point for your analysis. This data, however, isn’t readily accessible on a silver platter. You’ve got to scrape, clean, and carefully structure it.

While the potential rewards you gain from Twitter data scraping are vast, the path to obtaining them is paved with complex considerations and challenges. And we’re here to show you how you can overcome them to be able to fuel your strategies with actionable insights from this social media platform.

Why Twitter web scraping?

Twitter emerged as a simple system for ‘microblogging.’ It allows users to communicate their thoughts through brief messages. Over the years, this platform has become one of the internet’s most vibrant conversation arenas.

It’s a place where people interact and debate. Corporations and individuals promote their identities. Political figures connect with their constituents. As The platform itself boasts:

What it means is that tons of information sits around Twitter. And if you want to identify the next big industry trend, understand your customers better, or just back your decision-making with data, it’s the right place for you to start your search.

Figures and facts standing behind scraping data from Twitter To fully show you the potential of Twitter scraping, let’s consider the following statistical data:

  • There are over 368 million monthly active users worldwide. They tweet, like, comment, and engage in other ways. Which all means more data for you to scrape.
  • The platform is popular among users aged 25 to 34 years. This age range may fall within your scope of interest in terms of studying your target audience.
  • If you are on a hunt for the latest news, Twitter is a good place to scrape data. In 2021, over half of social media users in the United States were more likely to access news on Twitter than on any other social media platform.
  • The United States and Japan have the largest number of users on Twitter. It is also popular in India, Brazil, Indonesia, the United Kingdom, Turkey, and other countries. So, if you plan to extract data related to these countries, you’ll get plenty of insights on Twitter.
  • 23% of American Twitter users specify their job in their profile. They also list their hobbies, relationships, political positions, religious affiliations, etc. If you’re interested in this data, Twitter scraping will be of great help.
  • Twitter is a place where 89% of people discover new products and services. So, you may want to use this platform to learn what people appreciate by scraping conversations to improve your offerings.

How mining Twitter data can benefit businesses?

As we’ve discovered, Twitter has proven to be an invaluable resource for businesses. Let’s see how to scrape data from Twitter for your company’s advantage.

Competitive analysis & market intelligence

Twitter’s bustling environment is ripe for gathering key insights about your competition. Track the discourse surrounding rival brands to understand their strategies, consumer sentiments, and how they respond to market changes. That’s how you gain knowledge to form effective counter-strategies, identify market gaps, or even find new ways to differentiate your brand.

Social media monitoring & sentiment analysis

We’ve said earlier that Twitter data is a real-time barometer of public sentiment. So, here you can keep a close eye on discussions to gauge how your brand is perceived and what issues matter to your audience. These steps will help you shape brand strategies, refine messaging, and enhance overall customer experience.

Targeted advertising & influencer marketing

The analysis of Twitter data enables you to create more targeted advertising strategies. Within this platform, you can discover what resonates with your audience to further tailor your ads to meet their interests and needs. Moreover, with data scraping, you’ll be able to spot influential users whose endorsement could significantly increase your brand visibility.

Crisis management & brand reputation

Twitter often serves as the frontline for crisis detection. Negative news or public sentiment spreads rapidly here and then goes beyond this platform. As you scrape data, you may spot potential issues early and manage your responses proactively to mitigate any damage to your brand.

Twitter crawler scraping data

How recent Twitter changes affect data scraping

The recent drastic changes implemented by Elon Musk, Twitter’s owner and CTO, affected the way you fetch data on this social media platform. Here’s a quick breakdown of key considerations for you when you plan scraping tweets and other data on your own.

Log in to view tweets

Now, only those who are registered with Twitter can view its content. Previously, even people without Twitter accounts could check the tweets. Now, data is locked behind a login. And this calls for more sophisticated scraping techniques.

Limit on the number of tweets you can read per day

Another drastic change on Twitter that affects data collection is connected with temporary limits on how many posts you can view per day.

Screenshot from Elon Musk’s tweet about temporary limits

Musk says companies are taking vast amounts of data from the platform while using AI and LLM (large language models). These generative AI tools are trained to take information from the web, including Twitter. As a result, these actions put additional strain on the company’s servers, forcing it to deploy more assets to cover the demand.

The current restrictions are:

  • 10,000 tweets/day for verified accounts
  • 1,000 tweets/day for unverified accounts
  • 500 tweets/day for new unverified accounts

Match of different types of media in the same tweet Twitter’s versatility in allowing users to share not only text but also videos, images, and GIFs in a single tweet has substantial implications for web scraping. On the one hand, you benefit from the richness and depth of the data available for extraction.

On the other hand, the diversity of content types in tweets makes the scraping process more complex. Text is relatively easy to extract, but multimedia content requires additional steps and more sophisticated tools. Moreover, each type of content can bring its unique set of challenges. For instance, images and videos may require more storage space and demand more computational power to process.

How to get data from Twitter?

When it comes to scraping data from Twitter, there are two options:

  • Build a scraper in-house
  • Use managed scraping services

If you want to get more control over what data you extract and when, you should go with using a scraping tool. It is also a preferred choice for companies with vast tech resources and strict regulations.

In case you want to get quality data fast without involving any of your resources, managed web scraping is your choice to go.

Twitter scraping for actionable insightse

Nannostomus recommendations on how to scrape data from Twitter

No matter what scraping approach you pick, it’s always good to know how to extract data from Twitter effectively. Here are key considerations for successful Twitter scraping.

  • Respect user privacy and the platform’s rules. Avoid scraping private or sensitive information and ensure your practices align with Twitter’s terms of service.
  • Prioritize the data that’s most relevant to your business needs. Carefully select the accounts, keywords, or hashtags you want to track to maximize the value you gain from each tweet you access.
  • Plan data storage and processing. Twitter data, especially multimedia content, requires substantial storage space and computational resources. Consider how you’ll store, process, and manage this data before beginning the scraping process.
  • Twitter is dynamic and constantly changing. Be prepared to adapt your scraping strategies and techniques as Twitter evolves and introduces new features or restrictions.
  • Overcome the login barrier. Twitter’s recent shift to a login requirement for content viewing necessitates more sophisticated methods. Namely, maintaining an active session or using an API.
  • Handle tweet view limits. Carefully prioritize the accounts and keywords to monitor. Also, use multiple authenticated accounts to distribute the scraping activity.
  • Manage multimedia tweets. Extracting and analyzing text is a simpler task compared to handling videos, images, or GIFs. Still, we recommend you to opt for specialized tools designed for multimedia scraping and use techniques like image recognition or video analysis.


Twitter is undergoing some massive changes now. As the landscape is constantly changing, this means one thing — data extraction process can be riddled with hurdles. But with strategic planning, the right tools, and a deep understanding of the platform’s intricacies, you’ll get invaluable insights to grow your business.

Nannostomus, with our expertise in data scraping and wrangling, is here to support your business. Whether you’re a small business trying to make sense of your industry landscape or a multinational corporation looking for large scale data insights, we’ve got you covered.

Reach out to us at Nannostomus, and let’s explore how our sophisticated, tailored data scraping solutions can help your business.

Table of сontents:

Why Twitter web scraping?

How mining Twitter data can benefit businesses?

Competitive analysis & market intelligence

Social media monitoring & sentiment analysis

Targeted advertising & influencer marketing

Crisis management & brand reputation

How recent Twitter changes affect data scraping

Log in to view tweets

Limit on the number of tweets you can read per day

How to get data from Twitter?

Nannostomus recommendations on how to scrape data from Twitter


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