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What does Nannostomus managed team for web scraping mean?

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The managed team model represents a solution where we provide a dedicated team that operates within your organization but independently from your in-house team.

This setup is inherently partnership-oriented with a focus on long-term relationships. Thanks to this, we become deeply integrated into your business strategies and processes.

But how exactly does this collaboration model work? We explain this and more below.

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How the managed team model works

The essence of the managed team provided by Nannostomus is to take on the full responsibility of managing the entire data collection function. Under the managed team model, Nannostomus handles:

  • Solution architecture development
  • Team assembly and hiring
  • Team management
  • Resource management
  • Troubleshooting and maintenance

Setting up a managed team might take some time. If we lack a particular web scraping expert (either because the technology is unique or our developer is already assigned to a different project), we handle the hiring process. Then, newcomers undergo checks from the client’s side before they get access to the corporate systems. So, compared to outsourcing web scraping, this model is slower at the start but is more beneficial for long-term projects.

Web scraping outsourcing and managed team models may seem similar. In this article, we break down the differences between these cooperation approaches.

Managed team structure and communication

Our team typically consists of a project manager, web scraping specialists, and quality assurance professionals. Each member is selected based on their web scraping skills and the specific requirements of your project to ensure optimal performance and results.

  • Project manager acts as the primary point of contact. They facilitate communication between your team and ours and ensure all project milestones are met.
  • Web scraping specialists are tasked with the technical aspects of setting up and maintaining the web scraping infrastructure.
  • Quality assurance professionals ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data collected.

Communication is regular, often facilitated through daily, weekly, or bi-weekly meetings. We use Jira boards that allow real-time updates and feedback.

Steps for assembling a managed team with Nannostomus

Usually, the managed team model flow at our company is organized this way:

  1. Immediate onboarding. As soon as you choose Nannostomus for your web scraping needs, we run an in-depth analysis of your business and tech landscape and then develop a tailored solution architecture.
  2. Team assembly. Within 2-3 weeks of initiating your project, we assemble a highly skilled team. We’ll identify and recruit the right talent swiftly, ensuring every team member is a perfect fit for the role and ready to contribute from day one.
  3. Team integration. The team meticulously studies every detail, process, and documentation. This ensures all team members are on the same page and fully prepared to deliver consistent and high-quality results.
  4. Data delivery. With the team fully onboarded and integrated, the work begins. We manage the full cycle of solution development, team and resource management. Throughout this process, you receive detailed reports on our activities and the progress of our work.
  5. Scaling. As your needs grow, our services scale with you. At any point, we can scale up your dedicated team with additional talents, ensuring you always have access to the necessary expertise to meet your evolving web scraping demands.

What to expect from our web scraping managed team service

Focus on the right things

With Nannostomus, you gain a dedicated outsourced scraping team without the hassle of recruiting and management. We handle the hiring of experts and manage the workflow. This arrangement allows you to direct your energy and resources towards core business activities that drive growth and profitability, while you know the technical and operational aspects of data scraping are in expert hands.

Smart resource management

We deploy just the right number of experts to be enough for your project. This helps cut out expenses on your part, as there’s no need for you to invest in HR and management. Besides, we’ve developed a Nannostomus balancer that enables concurrent processes on a single virtual machine. So, we make sure you use nearly 100% capacity of the cloud resources you pay for.

Predictable financial planning

At Nannostomus, financial transparency is a priority. You will receive detailed cost reports that break down every aspect of the service—from server expenses to tools and manpower. This predictability eliminates financial surprises and hidden fees, allowing for better budget management and financial planning.

Support for complex tasks

Our years of experience in web scraping have equipped us to handle even the most complex tasks. Whether it’s adapting to sophisticated data extraction requirements or navigating through advanced anti-scraping technologies, we’ve likely encountered and solved similar challenges before.

Continuous flow of data

Expect a constant stream of fresh, relevant data that keeps you equipped with the latest insights. Our managed team ensures you are always ahead of the curve, ready to make informed decisions based on the most current data available.

Payment structure

The payment for this service model is typically structured as a recurring fixed fee. It usually includes salary, overheads, and any additional expenses associated with each team member. If you do not pay for the tech stack on your own, we also include the cost of servers, storage, etc.

For ongoing projects, we provide regular invoicing at monthly intervals. If the project includes clear phases or milestones, we structure payments around the completion of these milestones.

Our agreement includes clauses for adjusting the payments if the project scope or team requirements change. For instance, when scaling the team size up or down or adjusting the monthly fees based on increased or decreased data demands.

Client success story

Back in 2013, we started a project that implied collecting data about sex offenders across all states and territories in the USA. And we’ve still been working on this project.

  1. Based on the project’s requirements, we assembled a dedicated team of two developers. The team was responsible for developing a solution architecture for collecting and processing vast amounts of data from multiple sources.
  2. The development phase involved building the web scraping tool and setting up the infrastructure. This included designing the databases, setting up server solutions, and programming the scrapers to collect and load the data as specified. During this phase, we also established mechanisms for data validation, standardization, and cleaning.
  3. Once the development was complete, we began the initial data collection process. The first few cycles were closely monitored to identify issues or inefficiencies. Based on the findings, we made the necessary adjustments.
  4. Now, the project is in a maintenance phase. The robust systems we had put in place allowed us to reduce the team size to just one software engineer who now manages the ongoing operations. This engineer is responsible for maintaining the scrapers, implementing updates, and loading new data every month.

Nannostomus is here to handle long-term, large-scale web scraping projects. We adapt and sustain project success over many years.

Delegate data collection to Nannostomus managed team

This model is ideal for businesses looking to leverage extensive data insights without investing in the infrastructure or staff required to manage such operations internally. Nannostomus ensures efficient resource deployment, maintains high standards of compliance and security, and provides predictable financial planning.

Would you like to leverage external expertise on web scraping from Nannostomus? Let’s get in touch, and we’ll provide you with an estimation of the team assembly timeframes and cost.

Table of сontents:

How the managed team model works

Managed team structure and communication

Steps for assembling a managed team with Nannostomus

What to expect from our web scraping managed team service

Focus on the right things

Smart resource management

Predictable financial planning

Support for complex tasks

Continuous flow of data

Payment structure

Client success story

Delegate data collection to Nannostomus managed team

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