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How many registered sex offenders are in the USA?

How many sex offenders in America | Nannostomus data

The thought that a sex predator might be living close to you is bone-chilling. That is why apart from knowing how many registered sex offenders in America, you may be willing to be aware of who is living close to you.

In the US, a sex offender is someone who has conducted serious sexual misconduct—rape, child sexual abuse, and incest. The sex offender official listing also includes those who have committed less serious acts—“sexting” (sending pornography, obscene SMS messages, and other illicit media), molestation, urinating in public, and performing sexual acts in public places.

In this article, you’ll learn how many sex offenders live in the US. You’ll also get answers to other important questions. Let’s dive into the facts and figures.

How many registered sex offenders live in the United States?

Since 2013, Nannostomus has been collecting data on sex offenders across all 50 states and territories in the USA. Our dataset is comprehensive, and you can download free samples to see the details for yourself. We’ve analyzed this data to provide you with crucial information about sex offenders in the country.

Keep in mind, these numbers aren’t static as new individuals are added and removed from registries. That is why we update the dataset monthly to let you know for sure how many sex offenders nationwide.

Below, we answer the common questions about sexual perpetrators in the USA.

How many sex offenders live in the USA?

As of February 2024, 688,799 people are listed in our sex offender registry. Many of these offenders have committed more crimes than they were officially charged with. Additionally, 63% of child sexual assaults go unreported to the police, and the rate of false reporting in the USA is between 2% and 10%. Therefore, the actual number of sex offenders is significantly higher.

What percentage of the population are sex offenders?

The official estimated resident population in the USA is 334,914,895 (as of July 2023), then how many sex offenders in the United States percent? Sexual perpetrators make up around 0,002% of the total American population. Given the underreporting of sexual crimes, the actual percentage could be higher.

How many registered sex offenders are there in the US

How many sex offenders are per mile in the US?

With 688,799 registered sex delinquents spread across the United States, it translates to about 0.21 sex offender per square mile. This is an average figure and varies greatly depending on the state and local population density.

How many levels of sex offenders are there?

There are three levels of sexual perpetrators. They are classified based on the severity of their crimes and their likelihood to re-offend.

Risk level Crime example Prior criminal record Registration requirements
Level 1 Low Public indecency, possession of adult pornography, or non-violent offenses No Notify law enforcement of any change in address. May have restrictions on living near schools or playgrounds (depending on state).
Level 2 Moderate Sexual contact with minors, distribution of child pornography, or non-violent sexual assault No or may be May be restricted from living within a certain distance of schools, daycare centers, and other places where children gather. Might be subject to community notification.
Level 3 High Rape, sexual assault involving physical force, repeated sexual offenses, or sexual crimes involving violence or threats No or repeated crimes Often face the most severe residency restrictions, and community notification is mandatory.They may also be subject to GPS monitoring and frequent check-ins with law enforcement.

How many perpetrators are there based on sexual predators characteristics?

There is no such thing as a common “sex offender profile.” That’s because sex convicts are a diverse and heterogeneous population.

Offenders can be family members—parents, siblings, or cousins. Or family friends, neighbors, babysitters, or older peers. Some perpetrators were sexually abused as children, while others were not. Some may struggle to function sexually with adult partners and prey on children, while others have sexual relationships with adults too.

Still, registries list criminal of sexual harassment with demographic data, which we translated into statistics.

What is the most common race for sex offenders?

White individuals make up the largest racial group among sex offenders—75%. Black offenders are involved in 26% of sexual abuse cases. Asian offenders are much less common, accounting for only 0.5%. Additionally, 0.3% of offenders have an unknown racial classification. American Indians or Alaskan Natives are the smallest group, comprising just 0.1% of the total.

How many female sex offenders are there in America?

Female sex offenders account for 2.65% of all convicted sex offenders in the United States. This means that for every female offender, there are 37 male perpetrators. While the number of how many women are sex offenders USA is relatively small, their presence in the registry highlights that sex crimes are not exclusively committed by men. How many registered sex offenders are in the United States

How many male sex offenders in the US?

Males are much more likely to commit sex offenses in the United States. They are responsible for about 97% of reported sex crimes. So, there is the significant gender disparity in sex offense convictions, with men being the predominant offenders compared to women.

How many children are on the sex offender registry?

Children make up a very small percentage of the sex offender registry, accounting for just 0.001%. For instance, in Florida, 47 minors are listed as sex perpetrators. So, while it is rare, there are cases where children are registered due to the severity of their offenses.

How many sex offenders are relatives or friends?

In 80% of cases (relevant for kid abuse), the victim knows their sex offender. Only 19% of rapes and sexual abuses are committed by strangers. In 6% of cases, multiple offenders are involved. Around 33% of abusers are current or former intimate partners, while 39% of rapes are carried out by acquaintances. For male victims, close relatives are twice as likely to be perpetrators compared to female victims.

How many registered sex offenders live in my neighborhood?

By law, those who have been convicted of sex crimes must register in the county where they reside. So, if you’re concerned about your safety, there are numerous websites that tell you how many sex offenders in your neighborhood. Some of them are official sources, while others aggregate data from public registries and provide access to a unified database.

So, what is a good site to check out how many sex offenders are in your area?

  • State’s official registries
  • Local sheriff’s and police departments’ websites
  • NSOPW registry

In addition, Nannostomus is working on the release of the solution, which will allow you to check how many sex offenders live around me directly on our website.

How many registered sex offenders by state?

This table illustrates the number of predators in each state as of February 2024.

How many sex offenders are there in my area?
Texas 97386 West Virginia 6322
California 82751 Iowa 6313
Illinois 33149 Connecticut 5991
Florida 35369 Massachusetts 5214
New York 26745 Idaho 5022
Wisconsin 25847 Nebraska 5016
Georgia 24238 New Jersey 4655
Pennsylvania 24116 Delaware 4315
North Carolina 19899 South Dakota 3825
Colorado 19839 Alaska 3336
Missouri 19754 Hawaii 3071
Tennessee 19516 Maine 2923
Virginia 18903 New Mexico 2834
Ohio 18656 New Hampshire 2695
Arkansas 17439 Wyoming 2504
South Carolina 16058 North Dakota 1940
Indiana 13527 Oregon 1505
Louisiana 12975 Minnesota 1500
Alabama 11132 Rhode Island 1343
Kansas 10143 Vermont 1246
Arizona 9891 District of Columbia 1044
Utah 9758 Guam 852
Colorado 19839 Alaska 3336
Kentucky 8984 U.S. Virgin Islands 125
Mississippi 8230 American Samoa 106
Nevada 7332 Northern Mariana Islands 100
Oklahoma 7068 Michigan 99
Maryland 6783 Menominee Tribes 31
Montana 6485 Puerto Rico Coming soon
Washington 6437

How many registered sex offenders in my zip code?

Texas, California, and Illinois have the highest numbers of registered sex perpetrators. Texas tops the list with 97,386 individuals, followed by California with 82,751, and Illinois with 33,149.

On the lower end, there are the Northern Mariana Islands, Michigan, and the Menominee Tribes. The Northern Mariana Islands have 100, Michigan has 99, and the Menominee Tribes have 31 registered offenders. If you wonder how to find list of local sex offenders, get in touch with us—we have both nationwide and local databases.

How many states use sex offender registries?

All 50 states and the District of Columbia maintain public sex offender registries accessible through their websites. However, some registered offenders are only visible to law enforcement.

How many states have sex offender residency restrictions?

Around 30 states have implemented statewide residency restrictions that prevent registrants from living within specified distances of schools, parks, daycare centers, school bus stops, or other areas where children gather. Additionally, some local governments have set their own boundaries. Courts have generally upheld the constitutionality of these laws.

How many sex offenders are there in the USA based on their statuses?

The statuses of sex offenders tell us about their current situations and legal requirements. Sexual abusers might be incarcerated, on probation, or under community supervision. Some have finished their sentences but still stay on the registry, while others are non-compliant or missing.

How many sex offenders are there in the US by status

Let’s look at the numbers and categories of sex offenders based on their current legal and supervision status.

How many sex offenders are locked up and how many are realeased?

The majority of sexual perpetrators, 69.6%, are released and subject to registration. About 17.3% are under supervision. Meanwhile, 5.5% of sex offenders are currently incarcerated, either awaiting trial or serving sentences for their crimes. So, while a significant portion of offenders are out in the community, a smaller percentage remain in custody.

How many sex offenders are incarcerated in the United States?

Only 5.5% of convicted sex offenders are currently in prison. For instance, in Florida, 24,621 individuals are released but subject to registration, while 1,943 offenders are still behind bars.

How many sex offenders have been set free?

A significant portion of sex offenders, 69.6%, have been released and are subject to registration requirements. Additionally, another 17.3% are under supervision, likely on probation or parole. There are also those who have absconded, making up 2.8% of the total. While many offenders are monitored, a small percentage have evaded supervision.

How many sex offenders are noncompliant?

About 2.8% of sex offenders are noncompliant with their registration requirements. For instance, in Florida, this translates to 994 individuals out of a total of 35,369 registered offenders. These noncompliant offenders have either failed to register, update their information, or have absconded.

How many sex offenders are wrongly convicted?

Around 26% of sexual assault convictions are believed to be wrongful, including 11% of those convicted of child sex abuse. Various studies provide additional insights: one study across eight U.S. communities found a 7.1% rate of false reports, another in Boston reported a 5.9% rate, and a third study examining 812 cases found a 2.1% rate of false reports.

How many convicted sex offenders reoffend?

Studies commonly find sexual recidivism rates to be 10%-15% after five years, 20% after ten years, and 30%-40% after twenty years. However, assessing how many sex offenders repeat their crimes is challenging due to hidden sex crimes, underreporting to the police, and varying recidivism rates.

How many sex offenders have been deported?

Only about 0.08% of sex offenders in the USA have been deported. For example, in Florida, that’s 28 individuals out of a total of 35,369 offenders.

How many sex offenders are in for rape?

14% of sex offenders are incarcerated for rape, including 4% of statutory rape cases (sexual activity with minors who are below the age of consent). However, this is not the most common sex offense. Production of child pornography accounts for 49% of cases, while those who travel to engage in illegal sexual activities make up 32%.

So, how many people are on the sex offender registry?

Knowing the numbers and demographics of registered sex offenders in the USA is essential for keeping our communities safe. Many offenders are released and monitored, while a smaller number remain incarcerated. So, with the diverse backgrounds and statuses of these offenders, it’s important to stay informed about who lives in your area.

If you’re thinking, “I want a list of sex offenders in my neighborhood,” our comprehensive dataset will provide you with the information you need to stay vigilant and protect your loved ones. Contact us to discuss cooperation options.

Table of сontents:

How many registered sex offenders live in the United States?

How many sex offenders live in the USA?

What percentage of the population are sex offenders?

How many sex offenders are per mile in the US?

How many levels of sex offenders are there?

How many perpetrators are there based on sexual predators characteristics?

What is the most common race for sex offenders?

How many female sex offenders are there in America?

How many male sex offenders in the US?

How many children are on the sex offender registry?

How many sex offenders are relatives or friends?

How many registered sex offenders live in my neighborhood?

How many registered sex offenders by state?

How many registered sex offenders in my zip code?

How many states use sex offender registries?

How many states have sex offender residency restrictions?

How many sex offenders are there in the USA based on their statuses?

How many sex offenders are locked up and how many are realeased?

How many sex offenders are incarcerated in the United States?

How many sex offenders have been set free?

How many sex offenders are noncompliant?

How many sex offenders are wrongly convicted?

How many convicted sex offenders reoffend?

How many sex offenders have been deported?

How many sex offenders are in for rape?

So, how many people are on the sex offender registry?

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